Adventures in Depression

Adventures in Depression is a masterful account on the severity of living with depression. Before diving in, I was skeptical on the mood of the blog. I wasn't sure if the post was going to be a dark and sorrowful, or uncomfortably funny. It was a mixture of both, and I still don't know how I feel about it. I know this for certain, living with depression is not a joke. The monotonous feeling of sadness, the constant "support" from other people, and the relentless self-loathing is enough to drive anyone mad. There were points of humor that were tasteful, and others that I felt bad at laughing at. My interpretation of depression is very similar to the reading. It's dark, it's draining, and it's uncomfortable. The quintessential words, I would use to define depression. Now, after reading this blog post, I am in no way an expert on depression, nor am I one to give advice as to how to deal with a disorder such as this one. If I were to read this post as an adolescent, I'm not entirely sure how I would feel about it. It's abnormal (to me) to think about a mental illness I do not have. I try to have empathy, and I try to understand what others are going through but I know that I will never have enough information, nor enough exposure to fully grasp the life of someone dealing with depression. Now, for adolescents, this is a pivotal time in their life that is full of development, and social interaction. Trying to cope with depression in a time like this could seem impossible. This is where the teacher figure comes into play. To understand depression of future students, it's wise to inform yourself before expressing yourself. This is true for any subject. However, when dealing with depression it's wise to gather information before offering advice. This reading made me laugh, it made me uncomfortable, but it was amazing. There were points when I didn't want it to stop, and other points where I wished it would. Adventures in Depression, is a quirky, and eye-opening way to portray the life of someone dealing with depression. A good read, and a good laugh. The links for both of the readings is located in the comment section below my post!