Adventures in Depression
Adventures in Depression is a masterful account on the severity of living with depression. Before diving in, I was skeptical on the mood of the blog. I wasn't sure if the post was going to be a dark and sorrowful, or uncomfortably funny. It was a mixture of both, and I still don't know how I feel about it. I know this for certain, living with depression is not a joke. The monotonous feeling of sadness, the constant "support" from other people, and the relentless self-loathing is enough to drive anyone mad. There were points of humor that were tasteful, and others that I felt bad at laughing at. My interpretation of depression is very similar to the reading. It's dark, it's draining, and it's uncomfortable. The quintessential words, I would use to define depression. Now, after reading this blog post, I am in no way an expert on depression, nor am I one to give advice as to how to deal with a disorder such as this one. If I were to read this post as an ado...